In this article, you will learn how to install Apache2, PHP, MySQL, and MariaDB by using the WAMP package. We will go through the process step by step to ensure a complete and successful installation. Should you have any questions, please ask them below in the comment section.
Setting up the environment for PHP development on the Windows Operating system can be tedious. There are many steps to get your computer ready for PHP and MySQL development, from installing each software separately to set up files manually using the command prompt. The WAMP server has made this process easy. So what is WAMP?
WampServer is a platform designed for developers to create dynamic web applications on Apache2 web server, using PHP, MySQL, and MariaDB.
Follow the steps below to install the WAMP package on your computer successfully:
Step 1: Download the installer from SourceForge.NET Site by following the link below:
Step 2: Run the installer as an administrator.
Step 3: Accept the user Agreement and Follow on-screen instructions.
After completing the installation, you should have Apachae2, PHP, MySQL, and MariaDB installed on your computer!